In truth, I never left. I just started
Tumbling instead. Something about the ease of that medium fed my sloth. Alas, as I am headed to Texas this fall to pretend to be capable of writing creatively, perhaps I should actually put forth a bit more effort into blogging.
Not that blogging and fiction are at all synonymous, except in the way that we all make ourselves out to be better and brighter (creating, shall we say, fiction) when we blog. Certain blogs make me cringe, others make me clap regularly. I too often fear I have nothing legitimate or that hasn't otherwise been said to add to the online cacophony.
And yet. I am here.
So the news is official, and my employer knows, and I've even found a roommate. I am going to
Texas State in San Marcos this fall to get an MFA in fiction. I am moving away from home for the first time in my soon-to-be 24 years. The program is three years long. I'll be an instructional assistant (read: paper grader). I'll be living with a stranger for the first time. I am leaving Lawrence for an Austin suburb, selling my coats and--God, it's time to, yes, I have to--thinning the boot collection.
Perhaps I'll start writing about this transition. New place, new me, (re)newed blogging?