Thursday, July 31, 2008

musing # 3 -- 5k

That's Cooper Keefer on the right there. This'll be a brief post, but I've decided to run my first 5K on Sept. 20 in Lawrence. Cooper's momma works at LAC, where I teach Zumba. He's got an altered chromosome (number 9, to be precise), and heart defects because of it. He's had multiple heart surgeries, which, of course, have lead to staggering medical bills.

So the family, in what my opinion is a show of great strength and resolve, has started a foundation called Cooper's Cause, and this will be their first 5k too. Seems like a perfect fit to me. Anyone who'll be around Lawrence and is interested in running or donating, please visit

I'll be there, 8 a.m., with bells on. Now I've just got to start training...

1 comment:

Brianna Paige said...

duuuude i am allll about running a 5K!